Benefits for Local Government
Ti Tree provides an environmentally sustainable, socially acceptable solution for local government waste disposal.
Australia’s first purpose built bioreactor Ti Tree has many advantages for Local Government:
- Ti Tree is an inexpensive, reliable and proven waste management technology which will ensure ongoing savings for ratepayers;
- Removes the need for Councils to incur the expense of building and maintaining large waste facilities in their area;
- Releases large tracts of land set aside by Councils for landfill, which can now be utilised for other land uses;
- Turns local waste into energy; and
- Substantially reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
Who is using TiTree
Ti Tree is supplied with waste from areas all over Queensland, including inputs from Local Councils, Commercial and Industrial customers. These inputs include: Municipal Solid Waste, General Waste (Putrescent), Construction and Demolition waste, Contaminated Soil, Commercial and Industrial waste.
This waste, through our bioreactor technology, is helping to create a viable source of energy. Theoretically, returning a valuable product back to the very homes where the waste used to create this energy was generated.